Weightloss Research
Firstline Therapy’s effect on Weightloss
Weight loss is a necessary goal for many people suffering from chronic illnesses, as excess body fat can increase your health risks. In Canada, more than 63% are at risk of health issues related to their weight, including heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Maintaining a certain weight makes it easier to manage or ward off complications related to these complications!
Reaching a healthy body weight in ways that consider the whole body can optimize wellness outcomes. Research shows that losing even 5% to 7% of your body weight can help prevent or delay type 2 diabetes, and regular physical activity can help prevent, delay, or manage chronic diseases.
How Can FirstLine Therapy Help With Weight Loss?
In a Metagenics Institute Science Review on Weight Loss Management, research suggests that maintaining weight loss can reduce the risk of diabetes and all-cause mortality. The review noted that compliance with and the completion of “self-monitoring logs to record daily food and beverage consumption was associated with higher weight-loss maintenance success during a 12-month weight-maintenance study following weight loss.”
FirstLine Therapy can help you achieve and maintain an optimal body mass index (BMI) without recurring diets. It’s not just a weight-loss program, though; FirstLine Therapy is an ideal method for addressing the chronic health problems that can come with high BMIs, including high cholesterol and insulin resistance.