Neuroptimal And Anxiety Research
Neuroptimal And Anxiety In College Students
It’s no secret that college students are under a lot of pressure during their studies; this can increase the prevalence of anxiety disorders in students. In two studies presented under the title “University of Central Florida research studies: NO [NeurOptimal] and ADHD in college students & NO and Anxiety in college students,” the researchers found that neurofeedback has a positive impact on relieving anxiety in students.
Neuroptimal’s Effects On Anxiety
There is a lot of research to back NeurOptimal as a helpful treatment for general anxiety, too. In a paper titled “Neurofeedback with anxiety and affective disorders,” Dr. D. Corydon Hammond of the University of Utah School of Medicine reported that Neurofeedback found that EEG biofeedback qualifies for “the evidence-based designation of being an efficacious treatment” for anxiety disorders.