Many mental health challenges are linked together. While depression and anxiety are separate conditions, in many cases, they occur together and have similar treatments. It’s common to have depression which is triggered by an anxiety disorder; anxiety can also be a symptom of clinical depression.
Ongoing feelings of depression and anxiety can be a sign of an underlying mental health disorder. With depression, low moods can be much more severe and tend to persist. It doesn’t affect everyone the same, either. In men, it more often comes with tiredness and feelings of irritability and anger; in women, depression tends to feel like sadness, worthlessness, and guilt. Younger children with anxiety and depression are likely to refuse to go to school, feel anxious when away from their parents, and worry about their parents dying.
Research On NeurOptimal For Anxiety-Depression
Neurofeedback may have a positive effect on those with anxiety and depression. The Kingston Institute of Psychotherapy & Neurofeedback’s study, “Effects of NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback on Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety,” found positive associations for treating anxiety and depression after examining more than 45,000 NeurOptimal sessions.
Another study from the University of Utah School of Medicine titled “Neurofeedback with Anxiety and Affective Disorders” found that “EEG biofeedback qualifies for the evidence-based designation of being an efficacious treatment” for anxiety disorders.